stretch with shannon

Pilates outside the studio

Posted on: November 3, 2009

I fell in love with Pilates by attending classes at the Rec. Then I trained to become an instructor. I’ve since done furter “training” outside of the classroom. I bought a few cheap DVD’s to pick up new exercises and teaching methods. Some of them are really well done and I used their ideas in class, others looked like they were made in my basement. On one hand that gave me hope, that someday I could make my own video and be a Pilates super star, but on the other hand I’ll most likely end up in the $1 bin at Wal-Mart where I found some of these. Oh well, it was only a dollar.

I think the best way to gather ideas and learn new moves is from other instructors. I love teaching with new people and listening to their cues and modifications. Besides in person, lots of people (like me) use the internet to form a Pilates-centered community. I read a few blogs and also follow a handful of instructors from around the country on Twitter. Check out my favorites: 


Pilates Hottie

Young Pilates

The Fitnessista

In Paradise


I created a list of my favorites, feel free to follow it (and me too!).


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